Lost & Found Design Studio

Custom-made Klondike Map, Chung|Lind Gallery, UBC
Working as a researcher, writer, content creator, and curator on several projects with the Vancouver-based design studio, Lost & Found. These include curating the Chung | Lind Gallery at UBC, content creation for an open-air exhibit for Tourism Richmond, China Creek Park North in Vancouver, and conducting research and writing for waterfront redevelopment sites in Eugene, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington. More projects are in the works.
Chung| Lind Gallery
CPR travel posters in Chung|Lind Gallery, UBC
Sign in Waterfront Park in Eugene, Oregon
Close-up of signage in China Creek Park, Vancouver, BC
Klondike didactics and posters, Chung|Lind Gallery, UBC
Wall of gold books in Chung|Lind Gallery, UBC
Entrance to Chung|Lind Gallery
Signage in China Creek Park, Vancouver BC
Projection in Chung|Lind Gallery, UBC
Signage in Waterfront Park in Eugene, Oregon